An amazing thing happened when Minh Toan Pham’s devotion to the New Orleans Saints and his love for a
Broadway play converged: Black and Gold Phantom was born.
Dubbed “the mysterious figure dat appears in The Dome to terrorize opponents,” Pham’s phantom costume is
indeed classically imposing. The partial phantom facemask (he owns six different versions) and his flowing cape
with its large custom-crafted fleur de lis, make him easy to spot at home games. Pregame, you can usually find
him warming up with the Fat City Drum Corps in Champions Square.
Pham’s been a Saints fan since he was nine years old and appreciates that the team’s name and logo transcend
the typical animal mascots of other organizations. He believes “Saints” captures the true spirit and culture of
New Orleans and also symbolizes the capacity to give back.
And give back Pham does. Helping others is a huge part of his Super Fan persona. As Black and Gold Phantom, he hosts blood drives, participates in fundraisers for kids with life-threatening illnesses and still makes time to
attend other charity events. All in all, the Phantom appears, captivating fans and helping others, about 35 times a
year—and that’s not even including game days.
