As one of the newest members of the famed Saints Super Fan family, Brian Stevenson—aka Sinister
Saint—knows what it means to be part of a great team.
Stevenson has been a loyal Saints fan since he can remember. As a kid, he met Ken Stabler during the
quarterback’s stint with the Saints in the early 80s, and has rubbed shoulders with other black and
gold celebrities, including the likes of Hokie Gajan and Deuce McAllister. His big dream of meeting Drew Brees
though, is yet to come true.
But meeting Saints players wasn’t the reason Stevenson became a Saints Super Fan. It was the Super Fans’
charity work that motivated him to don his sinister horror-show hockey mask and costume and do more. He’s a
big believer in the many causes the Super Fans work to support and is grateful to be part of an exceptional group of people who understand what it means to give back. In the short time since his March 2016 entry into this colorful group, he’s taken part in numerous events to help raise funds and awareness to make a difference in the lives of others.
