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Dat Ref

It takes a dedicated fan to pick up and move across the country for a football team. But that’s exactly what Tiffany Turner did. Originally from Seattle, Turner moved to New Orleans in 2015 to be close to the team she had supported from afar, since the drafting of Deuce McAllister in 2001. She even personalized her Washington state license plate to read “Who Dat.”

After being encouraged by other Super Fans to join the group, it was actually Beadman who suggested she take

on the new role of Dat Ref in 2016. Dressed in a black and gold referee shirt and shorts, the shiny gold whistle

around her neck lets everyone know that Dat Ref is ready for some serious officiating.

On game day, Turner loves meeting with fans, often hanging out at Champions Square for some great photo ops,

and then heading to a local bar to mingle and watch the game. She also attends other events with fellow Super

Fans, including spring training and charity fundraisers.

And, like so many other Saints fans out there, Turner’s house has its share of black and gold memorabilia.

From Saints towels and throw blankets, to her black and gold Christmas tree covered in Saints ornaments, it’s

clear this Seattle transplant is a perfect fit for The Big Easy. And that’s lucky for the Who Dats, since it never

hurts to have a ref on your side


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