It was friend and fellow Saints Super Fan, Joker, who convinced Claude Brown to costume as Saint Jester at a
home game in 2011—but the story of the Jester’s ensemble really began at a party just a year after Hurricane
It was Halloween 2006 and Brown wanted to pay tribute to the revamped Saints and to a city reborn. The result
was a whimsical outfit that embodied the perfect combination of New Orleans costuming traditions and true
Saints adoration. He repurposed the costume for the 2011 game, and a Super Fan was born. Pregame these days, you’ll find Jester tailgating, socializing and taking photos with other die-hard Who Dats. As part of his Jester revelry, Brown also contributes time to charities and local causes. He loves seeing the smiles on kids’ faces at these events.
Jester doesn’t have many superstitions when it comes to his cherished Saints—although he does believe his
lucky Who Dat Victory Staff just may have played a part in bringing the black and gold some of their most
important wins.
